Taking Down Level 250 Erazi Base

This one is quite a bit harder then the Helio base and will require a higher level. I have seen people take this base down at level 130 with boost on but I was not able to do it until I was around 170 with boost on. So you can try it when you have a attack health power of +1550% or more. In the video below the user has a attack and health level of +2270% and just barely succeeded. However he did mess up because the idea is for your units to be shooting as soon as they are dropped which he warped to far out and lost units before they were in range.

Best Base Set Up

Their are many ways to set your base up but I have found two ways that have worked for me.

First we must go over a few do's and don'ts.

Always set your Command Center in the center of the build-able square (blue square) and put the Silos around that. If someone destroys either one they will steal a percentage of your total resources. These must be protected at all cost!

Short ranged turrets should not be placed in front of long range turrets and should not be placed on the corners because specters will pick them off.

Find the right distance apart for your resource plants and turrets- to close and your base is pulse tank food but to far apart will not provide enough firepower on one area. 

Tec Lab, Staging Areas, Warp, Barracks, and Factory's should be placed outside of everything to help shield whats important. I would recommend placing these within range of your long ranged turrets so they do not get picked off so easy. The idea behind this is for these buildings to draw fire while long range guns pick off the attackers.

~Option 1~
The first way is more for the lower level players who do not yet have the option to build as many turrets and have not leveled up their long range turrets to level 5. The higher levels can use this base set up as well.

The idea behind this is to make your resources "look" impenetrable because the barrier of guns surrounding them. This forcing players to battle their way through turrets to take out resources which will generally cost them more then its worth.

It does not have to be set up in a square, in fact you can even make it round. The important thing is one type of building is surrounding the other as shown below.

~Option 2~
This way is more for the higher levels because their turrets can reach out beyond the point to where specters can hit the resources plants and outer buildings. The idea behind this is to make the resources look somewhat vulnerable to the untrained eye so it will provoke low levels to attack you. However, the turrets are well within range to pick off anything before they can take out of your resources. mwwhahaha!  In fact the units who attack will be drawn in closer to get a shot at your turrets which will bring them in range of even more turrets for maximum destruction.

High levels will have more turrets then they can fit in a single row around their CC and silos and the 4 silos they have will not fill the area around the CC as well. So you can place your short range turrets within the silo area along side the silos and the long ranged turrets around that.

Again this does not have to be set up in a square as shown below.

Taking Down Level 250 Helio Base

In order to take down the 250 base you will either need to have level 6 warp gate or be around level 80 attack and health. This means you will need to have a attack and health of around 800% bonus to take down this base successfully. This is not to say you cant do it with a lower bonus just that it wont come so easy.

I would recommend having a EXP boost on when attacking this base because it will give you a lot of exp just for the attempt which can level you up quickly and give back the warps if you don't succeed in taking it down.

Another recommendation would be to have your max resource captivity around 10 million or more to hold the resources you will get from the attack and levels gained. Also make sure you have a surplus of Spectors  units because you will lose a lot in these attempts.

Zoot Loot is Not Random

Zoot spins are not as random as you think! Although it displays multiple items you can so called win, the prize was picked when you hit that start button. No mater what square you pick the outcome prize will be the same making this whole random pick game a bit pointless. If you watch the video below you can see just what I mean.

So why would they rig the game? Well its simple, people will want to play more (buy more platinum's) when they think they have some control over the game . Thinking you have a chance to win a prize that is worth 600 platinum's for just 5 platinum's is enough to tempt anyone to spend the money. Don't get me wrong you can win great prizes but its not as easy as picking the right square.

Another reason to rig the game is to limit the amount of prizes the games gives out in one day. If you control the odds of the game then you control the money. This is the same tactic you would see on any slot machine which has the worst odds then any game in a casino. The idea is to have a few top prizes where it draws people in to play the game but the smaller prizes (1000 resources, 1min accelerator, etg) are not even worth the 5 platinum's you paid for the ticket. The sad part is you will win a lot more of the smaller prizes then you will of the good ones. On the bright side Kabam can give out more top prizes then a slot machine because their is no cost to them.

How To Farm a Players Resources

With this tutorial I will show you how we can scan a players resources before we attack him. This comes in handy since the amount of resources the player holds at the current moment determines the amount of loot you can get from him.

You will need to be using Chrome or Firefox for this to work. If your using Firefox you will need to have a Add-on Extension Called Firebug.  This is just another reason why you should not be using IE or one of those other inferior browsers.

I am going to use Chrome for this tutorial but Firefox's Firebug is similar.

First we need to open up the interface by clicking Ctrl+Shift+I  or F12 while viewing your base in Chrome. If it does not come up click within the URL field at the top of your browser then try again. Firefox will have a Bug icon at the top right of the browser window if you have Firebug add on.

Click the Network option and you should see something like this below. If you cant see any of these images you can click on them to expand them to full size.

Now lets pull up a player on the world map and click the "Response" option as shown below. You should see something like this below. I have cropped the image to show only the data.

In the image above I have already clicked on the file needed to see the wanted data. You can find this by looking for a file named with numbers as show above. As you can see the response this file is showing is encoded.

Copy all the encoded output you see and open a program called Base64 to decode this. Paste the copied code into the box and make sure you have the option checked for decoding at the bottom of Base64.

Now just click the button at the bottom to decode this content and you should see something like I have below.

Now you just need to scroll through the output for any info you may want on the base. It will tell you how much each resource plant has in it along with the total amount of resources a player has. You can also use this data to see what units a player has queued up to build.

In  the example above you can see this player has...


If you look at the bottom of the interface you will see a clear button which should be used before scouting another player.