Chaining Bases

How chains are made:

Chains are made by separating 10 or less bases from the main group of bases. To chain effectively the last base taken to start the chain should be higher or same in level as the bases you wish to chain.

Before I show you how to chain I want to show you things that will not chain

Green = your bases
Red = enemy bases
Black = empty outpost
Blue square = attack point
Orange square = secondary attack point

The image below shows a impossible chain because a players base is touching the chain. Even if I was to attack where the blue square is the bases would not chain because of that players base. Even if the players base was a level 1 it would still stop the chain.

Below show a impossible chain because their are 12 bases below the blue square and that is to many bases in the group to chain. You may only chain up to 10 bases at a time.

Below shows two possible chains but one will only chain a single base while the other will chain 9 bases.

If you attack at the blue square you will not be able to chain the level 37 bases since they are higher level then the bases you are attacking to start the chain but the level 31 at the bottom will chain with it since its the same level.

If you attack the orange square you will take all the bases below it because it is the higher and or same level as the bases in the chain.

In the chain below you can see I have a total of 10 bases which 9 of them will become yours with a single attack at the blue square. The level 50 bases will not become yours because it is higher then the base you attacked to start the chain.

Below I will show you a super chain which is quite rare to find but a really productive way to take down a lot of bases at once.

We can take more then 10 bases in a chain by separating the chain into two groups with 10 or less bases. So in one attack we are chaining a group of 7 and a group of 8 at the same time.

Hex Code Hack Attacking

Keep in mind this is against Edgeworld terms and conditions and will likely will get you banned.  If your going to hack attack then do not be stupid about it and attack players while hacking because of the battle reports. Those player you attack will likely report you. Also it is advised not to take down PVE or map bases that are higher then what you can take down when not hacking. Although tempting Kabam will catch you and you will get banned.

If your someone that spends money on the game they might give you a warning first but that is not always the case.

If you want learn how to hack then please visit this site.

Tips For Attacking Players

Here are some facts about attacking a player.

  • You can hit a player 2 times on your own within 30 mins before they are shielded.
  • A player can be hit 3 times within 30 mins if the attacks are alternated between 2 different players.
  • After you attack someone it takes 5 mins for that players base to start repairing.
  • Once the base starts repairing it takes a full 30 mins for a single building to repair to full health.
  • You can scout and attack players 3 times your level.
Lessons learned from these facts.

  • If you attack a player and wipe their base completely, try to attack that player again after 5 mins or as close to 5 mins as you can get because their buildings will be at low health and retain the same amount of EXP.
  • Have someone of a much higher level attack a bases 3 times your level with rhinos to take out the defenses, then have them withdraw before they destroy anything else. This will allow you to take advantage of a players 3 times your level for max EXP. Remember to attack the player again by your self right at the 5 min mark to wipe them again. With their defenses at 1 bar of health you should be able to take them down without help or at least get close.